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New Orleans Craft Mafia

Craft Mafia

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James Perry For Mayor Of New Orleans

DIY Queer Craft Mafia

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Bust Girl Wide Web

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As Seen On Mixed Plate!

blogbymags!  portrait of the artist as a craftivist...
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New Site + New Blog

It's exciting times over here at If you haven't visited the website recently, I've restructured and redesigned the whole thing. It was time for an update, and some major changes.

The new site is a Wordpress site, with more emphasis on the blog aspect. It is no longer a shopping cart/e-commerce site, either. Over the past few years, my online sales have moved almost exclusively to Etsy, so I no longer see the need for a clunky shopping cart system on my site. There are still image galleries of all the items that I make on the site, and those will automatically be updated as I make new things.

What this means, however, is that this particular blog - blog by mags! - will no longer exist. So for those of you who have subscribed to this blog in a feed reader or via email, take a minute to click on over to and use the links in the upper right-hand corner of the page to subscribe to the new artbymags blog. The blog will simply be the home page of the site, and will now cover more than just my art-and-craft life - everything from local news, politics and events to whatever I'm thinking about on any given day. (Don't worry, for those of you who only want to read about my arty-crafty life, you can filter through all the posts via the dropdown menu in the lefthand sidebar.)

So. Thanks for reading this blog and keeping up with me, and I hope you'll join me over at the new blog.

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site design by mags