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Obama Gear Going Fast!

Yesterday I attended two different Obama rallies, which were organized to kick off early voting here in New Orleans. (I loved this poster that was up at the downtown rally.) I am happy to report that at the Rally For Change at Tulane, I sold 16 Obama shirts, making $80 more for the campaign! (I just made another $100 donation, adding some recent Etsy sales onto yesterday's totals, bringing my campaign contribution grand total to $400. Isn't that cool?)

And, between the Tulane rally and the earlier rally downtown, I handed out at least 300 Obama "Believe" stickers. I've been mailing out the sticker orders, to locations as far=flung as California, North Carolina, Washington state, and even Japan, as well as a few folks here in New Orleans. I do still have some left, but lemme tell ya, they are going fast. I deliberately didn't take them all with me so I could stretch out the distribution of them, though, so I'll still have a stack with me at the Broad Street Bazaar this Saturday (10am - 3pm at Broad @ Bienville), and I'll try to keep some on hand to have with me on November 1st at Freret Market. But really, if you want one/some, the time would be now to either hit the Paypal button on the home page or the blog post below, and have me send you some, or find me in person SOON to get some. I won't be printing any more.

(I also gave out tons of bike spoke cards, but I have a short stack of maybe 30-40 of those left, which I'm going to be handing out selectively to bike people, cuz I want to really see them on bikes!!)

Back to the shirts... I am now down to only having Large and XXL left in the silver Obama shirts with blue printing. However, I do still have a random selection of Obama shirts in various colors/sizes left, as can be seen in the photo to the left of my set-up yesterday at the Tulane rally. So if you still want one, I'll bet there's something you'll like on my rack - come take a look this Saturday at the Broad Street Bazaar and get yours before they are all gone!

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