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LA Weekly Loves Yosi.. And Quotes Me!

And the media barrage just keeps happening... I just got a Google Alert that tipped me to this article today in the LA Weekly.

I'm so happy to see Yosi getting some public props for all he has done, as he basically masterminded the Obama art phenomenon which began with Shepard Fairey and spread like wildfire amongst the progressive and underground art scenes around the country - culminating in the huge Manifest Hope art show in Denver during the DNC. (Pro-Obama street art had been bubbling up from the streets pretty much since Obama declared his candidacy, but Fairey's "Progress" and "Hope" posters brought that street-level energy to the mainstream, inspiring even more artists, like me, to make their own Obama art. Yosi helped cull many of these artists, including myself, hooking them up together and with other media-makers, to get their art noticed.)

And, as those of you who have been reading along know, Yosi was the one who approached me, via Flickrmail, about using my Obama stencil design for his genius idea of bicycle spoke cards. Talk about a grassroots success - every day, it seems, I get a message from some far-flung friend saying they saw the spoke cards on someone's bike, in their hometown. Portland, New York City, Columbus, Ohio, Washington D.C. They are everywhere, spreading the good vibes and hopefulness of Obama's campaign via bicycle enthusiasts everywhere. So cool!

The article lifts a quote from this very blog, where I said that I basically trusted Yosi right from the start, to do with my design as he saw fit, for the campaign. I knew whatever he would come up with would be good, and since I didn't have the financial means to make big things happen with it, I was sure grateful that it had caught his eye. And I was right.

It's exciting publicity for me, since the article actually uses my name and cites my blog (there's been many mentions of the spoke cards in national media, but most of them don't credit me as the designer), but it's really well-deserved publicity for the PR king himself, Yosi Sergant. I hope one day I can shake his hand and thank him for pulling me into his web... and I hope on that day, Barack Obama will be our next president.

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