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NOLA Rising Is Victorious In Court!


I'd just like to give a great big shout out to Mike Dingler (aka ReX) and the whole NOLA Rising crew on the occasion of the fabulous news yesterday that NOLA Rising won out over the Grey Ghost (aka Fred Radtke) in court. You can read ReX's full account of the day's proceedings on the NOLA Rising blog. All I can say is, finally, something positive to come out of the court system in New Orleans. Goddess bless Judge Sean P. Early for having sound judgement.

What I recommend for Mr. Radtke is that he perhaps take advantage of that free Red Cross mental health money that's being offered to Hurricane Katrina survivors and get some help, because the level of anger and narcissism he lives with is truly dangerous to his health as well as that of others who must come in contact with him.

In other NOLA Rising news, Rex and his posse will be hosting and participating in "It's Yours, Take It," an art show involving cities around the world that will take place on June 7th in the Marigny in New Orleans. It's a free public exhibition of artwork gathered from artists in New Orleans and around the world - including work produced at the most recent NOLA Rising paint party - and viewers will be encouraged to take a piece of artwork home, for free! The exact location of the festivities will remain a secret until the day of the event. Tune in to the NOLA Rising blog for all the details.

I'm currently working on a stencil to send down some prints - I hope I can get it done in time!

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