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My Obama Design At Coachella!

OK, this is seriously cool. I have no idea who the DJ is or how this happened, but I have posted my design far and wide on the internet via Flickr, and I do have some folks associated with the Obama campaign interested in using it for various promotional things (more details later as things happen) - and I don't know if this is connected to any of that or if it's a totally random, viral thing (my guess is the latter)...

But check this out:

I know it's shaky stuff, probably on someone's cell phone, but THAT'S MY DESIGN UP THERE ON THE BIG SCREEN! With thousands of people watching it! At Coachella! Isn't that cool?

Hopefully I can get the scoop on it and report back here, but it's nice knowing my design has legs, and is out there doing some good work without me.

**Edited to add: I just found out the DJ was Adam Freeland. His VJ found my image online, along with Shep's. He's checking to see if there's some clean video from the Coachella folks that I can get my hands on.

very very very very cool!!!!
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