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Back in Kentucky...

Whew! Well I'm finally back in Louisville. What an exhausting but productive and lucrative two weeks I had in New Orleans! Awesome big thanks to everyone who came out to see me and shopped with me and gave me great feedback about my stuff. I didn't exactly sell out of anything, but I sure came back with a lot less stuff crammed in the Kia on the way home.

Though I have been saying that next Monday, December 17th is the last day to order anything from me and expect to have it arrive in time for Christmas, some experiences I had with mail while I was in New Orleans make me question if that will really work. I'll keep that date, in order to have the time to add some of my remaining stock to my Etsy shop and this site, but buyer beware, the US Postal system is not always to be relied upon, so if you do wait until Monday or later to order, I can't guarantee it'll arrive before Christmas. In fact, if you live in New Orleans, I can't guarantee anything - as I recently had a Priority package take 8 days to get to me while I was there.

Anyways, even after Christmas, I'll be continuing to add more stock to this site and my Etsy shop, as I have to get rid of all that excess inventory somehow! And I don't anticipate any markets or shows here in Louisville for a few months. So the internet will be my main means of getting it out there. So check back often and definitely let me know if you have a custom order in mind.

Happy Holidays everyone!

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