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women in art...

when i started this blog last fall, coinciding when i launched my website, my original concept was to only use the blog to archive my old "news" posts that grace the front page of my website. i was gonna keep it all about me and my art/craft, narrowly focused. but as time goes on, i find myself wanting to blog about other things, especially art, craft and pop culture related things that are tangentially related to my own personal art-n-craft life. so here goes - my first entry to that effect. (though, don't worry, there'll still be plenty of posts just about me!)

this morning in my inbox was this article from women's e-news about how it appears that 2007 will be/already is "the year of the woman" in the art world. cliche and problematic as it may be (like those horrid "women in rock" issues of rolling stone magazine), in many ways, it's long overdue. and i welcome it. yes, it's kinda sad that we, as feminists, have to be excited whenever we're thrown a bone. but the truth of the matter is that major, touring feminist art exhibitions and especially the opening of the feminist art wing at the brooklyn museum of art really ARE noteworthy occasions. and very exciting. i can't wait til the next time i'm in brooklyn - how wonderful to be actually excited to go to a museum again!

the women's e-news article wasn't the first i'd heard of any of these things, though, as a recently purchased copy of artnews magazine - probably the first one of those i'd bought since i was an idealistic art history major at vanderbilt university - had lured me in with a similar headline about the "next wave" of feminist art. that article didn't mention, however, the feminist art project out of rutgers university (which was mentioned by the above women's e-news article). the concept of a centralized calendar and hub for feminist art happenings, shows, and other events is a really great idea, and hopefully will help foster more attention and communication about feminist art, bringing it out of the 1970's stereotype and into contemporary discourse.

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