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One down... plus, another blog write-up!

The frenzied pace of activity continues in my world, though now at least I have Good Folk Fest over with. Check the blog page for more on that and on my upcoming Louisville market on Black Friday (FAT Friday Trolley Hop @ 2044 Frankfort Avenue).

In other news: I'm still lovin' my new scoot! design, so here's a better pic of my favorite color combo so far, on a fun 10-inch record. (Yes, it's for sale on the "clocks" page).

The other really exciting thing that happened today was that I just found out my friend and sister mafiosa member Mallory, aka Miss Malaprop, featured me today in her super cool blog! Once you start reading her blog, you'll have to bookmark it and keep going back every day, because it's so addictive! She really finds the coolest stuff. So I'm very flattered to be included amongst her indie finds.

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