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blogbymags!  portrait of the artist as a craftivist...
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getting this thing going...

it's taken me a while to figure it out by trial and error, but i think i finally have it worked out to have this blog function like a normal blog should. it's powered by, and also has a blogspot URL -, in case you want to bookmark it. i *think* you can subscribe by RSS if you want (lemme see if i can figure that part out, and i'll let you know), and eventually, when i have them, there'll be archives, too.

so yeah. i'm not totally sure exactly what i'll be blogging about here, but i do at least know that my older "news" entries will likely get archived here for all posterity... and i guess this will be the repository for all ramblings about my life as an art-n-craftivist that don't fit into the category of "news." so stay tuned...

**edited to add: you CAN subscribe to the site feed. it's an atom feed, at: i'm not really sure i know what that means - like what's the difference between an atom feed and a RSS feed? - but whatever. that's all i know.

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