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craftland - providence, ri - december 06

one night, while reading the switchboards, on a complete and utter whim, i applied to this juried indie craft fair in providence, ri that happens for the whole month of december, called craftland. it only cost me $10 to apply, and really, i just was curious to know if i could get in. so i did it. shortly thereafter, it hit me: "oh no, what if i DO get in?"

well, i did get in (yay!) and now i have less than a week to get my shit together and send it up there. i'm running WAY late. but i really wanted to get the scooter design done (which i am finishing cutting the stencil for right this second),so hopefully by the end of the day i'll have enough to box up and send out tomorrow.

in the meantime, here's the page with all the folks who got in. (see my cute little banner on the top row?) check it out!

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